Historic Newspaper Index
VOL I, No. 1
Hagerstown, Maryland - Monday, May 20, 2024
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Lincoln at Antietam (courtesy Library of Congress)
[Image: Lincoln at Antietam (courtesy Library of Congress)]
Civil War - Hagerstown Newspapers-Updated Weekly. The Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland newspapers covered the events of the Civil War in their pages, not just the events at Antietam and South Mountain, but throughout the country. Editorials and letters to the editor from both sides of the conflict were printed.
Slavery in Washington County, Maryland, Mid- 19th Century (1845–54) by Carol J. Appenzellar

Article from Herald of Freedom and Torch Light, 1852
[Image: Article from Herald of Freedom and Torch Light, 1852]
Washington County’s geographical location played a significant part in the slave trade in the region. The county was situated between slave-free Pennsylvania to the north and slave state Virginia (West Virginia in 1863) to the south.
Cholera in Washington County, 1850-1853 by Melinda Marsden

Article from Herald of Freedom and Torch Light, 1854
[Image: Article from Herald of Freedom and Torch Light, 1854]
Cholera returned to Washington County again in the 1850s. The epidemic of Asiatic cholera in the 1830s spread panic in the local community, so its reappearance twenty years later was a cause for concern in the local jurisdictions.
Mexican War and Washington County by Dr. Thomas Clemens

Maj. Samuel Ringgold
[Image: Maj. Samuel Ringgold]
The novelty of war, unknown in the United States since 1815, and the improved communication of the telegraph and rapid transit of steam boats and trains combined with the cheap and abundant newspapers made the war with Mexico a public sensation.
The Canal in Washington County, 1845–49 by Dr. Karen Gray

Canal in Washington County
[Image: Canal in Washington County]
Although improvements and new businesses were appearing in Washington County as the canal began to become an important transportation route to the region, the second half of the 1840s was a time of slow growth for the canal and businesses associated with it due to three floods and continual difficulties in completing the canal to Cumberland.
Civil War in Hagerstown and Washington County

Cornfield at Antietam
[Image: Cornfield at Antietam]
A brief look at Hagerstown and Washington County during the Civil War.
Hagerstown Newspapers During the Civil War with an Introduction to the Country Newspaper

Hagerstown Mail
[Image: Hagerstown Mail]
Newspapers in Hagerstown during the Civil War
Ransom of Hagerstown from Herald and Torch Light

Hagerstown Bank
[Image: Hagerstown Bank]
A detailed account of the ransom of Hagerstown and General McCausland's rampage through Washington and Frederick counties.
Hagerstown and Washington County

Hagerstown Mail
[Image: Hagerstown Mail]
A brief history of Washington County and Hagerstown, Maryland
Burning and Destruction of Chambersburg, PA

[Image: Chambersburg]
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, burned by rebel cavalry July 30th 1864.