Historic Newspaper Index
VOL I, No. 1
Hagerstown, Maryland - Thursday, April 25, 2024
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Civil War - Hagerstown Newspapers

Lincoln at Antietam
Lincoln at Antietam
Library of Congress.
The Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland newspapers covered the events of the Civil War in their pages, not just the events at Antietam and South Mountain, but throughout the country. Editorials and letters to the editor from both sides of the conflict were printed.

The project makes use of the Historic Newspaper Indexing Project that the Washington County Free Library has been engaged in for many years, funded by the Mary K. Bowman Fund for Historical and Fine Arts. The Herald of Freedom and Torch Light and other Hagerstown papers have been included.

This website will be updated weekly with items from the Hagerstown newspapers 150 years ago that week.

For Civil War newspaper stories around the state see 150 Years Ago this Week in the Civil War, Maryland's State Library Resource Center.