Teen Health & Wellness
Teen Health & Wellness provides middle and high school students with nonjudgmental, straightforward, curricular and self-help support, aligned to state, national, and provincial standards. Topics include diseases, drugs and alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide and bullying, green living, LGBTQ issues, and more.
Financial Literacy
(for Teens)
Financial Literacy (for Teens) is a content-driven, visually stimulating, and media-rich online economics and personal finance resource specifically designed for students in grades 7–12.
Teen Volunteers @ WCFL
The Washington County Free Library participates in the Board of Education 75 hour Community Service Program (SSL hours). We encourage you to perform your Community Service hours at the branch closest to your high school. Please complete the application if you are interested in being a Teen Volunteer.
Volunteen Guidelines
Teen volunteers must be between the ages of 13-18. They must also complete the VolunTeen Application form.
In Case of Emergency
In case of sickness or an emergency, volunteers must contact the Teen Librarian, Jakki Williams, via email @ teensdept@washcolibrary.org if they were expected to assist with a library program and can’t make it. Failure to notify the Teen Librarian prior to the start of the program may result in suspension from the VolunTeen program.
Contact with WCFL
All communication about volunteering at WCFL will be conducted through email, so be sure to check your email frequently for updates. A weekly email will be sent out with opportunities to sign up for the coming week, first come, first served.
Volunteer Orientation
New volunteers must attend orientation before their first shift. Orientation will be held every other Friday and posted on our Calendar of Events for registration. You must register yourself for orientation.
Being late for assisting with library programs is not acceptable. Being a VolunTeen means people are depending on you. Please plan to arrive 5 minutes early for programs unless otherwise communicated.
Keeping Track of Volunteer Time
VolunTeens are responsible for signing in and out on the form provided. Volunteers may submit book reviews, short stories, poetry, art work, and photography for publication in the Washingteenian. All virtual projects should be submitted to teensdept@washcolibrary.org.
VolunTeens must dress in a library appropriate manner. Volunteers may not wear spaghetti straps, short-shorts, flip-flops, or graphic t-shirts with inappropriate messages or images.
Behavioral Expectations
In-person volunteering is scheduled in advance-there are no drop-ins. We expect all VolunTeens to arrive for in-person shifts motivated and ready to assist. Your volunteer shift is not the time for doing homework, reading a book, or checking your phone.
For virtual volunteer opportunities, we expect all work turned in to be an original work created by the volunteer. Do NOT pull reviews from Amazon and submit as your own. For read-alike lists, you may consult other sources but the list in its entirety should not be pulled from a single source.
SSL hour forms and letters of recommendation must be requested by the volunteer well in advance of due date.
Teen Advisory Board
Get involved with the Library by joining our Teen Advisory Board (TAB). All 8th – 12th grade students are welcome. Share ideas for teen programs, discuss teen books, organize community service projects, and more. Meeting attendance will count as volunteer hours. If you are passionate about teen services, the library would love to have you join TAB!
Teens Advisory Board
TAB Mission
The Washington County Free Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB) will strive to assist with the improvement of library services for teens by:
- Planning, implementing, and participating in teen programs
- Creating an inviting atmosphere at the library by maintaining a safe, attractive teen area
- Promoting ideas regarding the young adult collection
- Promoting and encouraging reading by teens
- Providing a forum for which teens can share ideas and improve relations between teen patrons and the library
What is TAB?
The TAB was formed to give teens the opportunity to participate in and influence teen services at the Washington County Free Library.
Who is in TAB?
All students in grades 8-12 are welcome to join. Please fill out the Virtual TAB Application form.
When Are the Meetings?
Monthly TAB meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 5-6 pm from September-May.
How much time will it involve?
TAB will involve one hour a month for meetings and any time you choose to devote to reviews, chairing programs and committees, or other TAB activities. The time you devote to the TAB will be considered as a service to TAB, WCFL, and the greater Hagerstown Community. You will receive a letter documenting your hours and services to TAB.
What will we discuss?
TAB Meetings are dedicated to the development of services and the recruitment of teen volunteers to carry out these services. It will be up to TAB to present ideas for the Teen Summer Reading program and year-round programming. The TAB will also meet to share reviews of books, software, magazines, music, and web sites.
What are the membership requirements?
Members must commit to a one (1) year of service to TAB (Sept. – May) and a minimum of 20 hours of service for that year. These service hours can be met by attendance at monthly meetings during the year from September to May REQUIRED (1 hour, once a month, with up to two excused absences); AND Chairing ONE (1) Young Adult Yearly Program.
TAB members who serve for 20 hours or more will receive a surprise at our end of school year party.
Why Should You Join?
- TAB members earn volunteer hours for attending
- Brainstorm ideas to impact the Teen Services Department of the Library
- Spend time with other teens planning enjoyable events
- Make a difference in your community
- Looks great on your resume and college applications