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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11
Brainfuse Adult Learning Center
Available everywhereWhether you are going back to school, switching jobs, or just want to brush up on an academic skill, our adult learning center is here to help. HelpNow writing experts will help you craft a winning resume and cover letter or help you learn Microsoft Office applications including Word, Excel or Powerpoint. Also, get help studying for the GED or U.S. Citizenship Test; Brainfuse includes practice tests, live coaching and other helpful resources.
College Navigator
Available everywhereThe College Navigator, from the U.S. Department of Education, provides students and their families with information about colleges and federal financial aid. Provides current data on expenses, financial aid, enrollment, admission, graduation rates, majors and the college selection process.
Available everywhere(Free DMV Permit Practice Tests)
Every person with a driver's license, from a regular commuter to a racecar driver, started exactly where you are right now: worried about passing their permit test. In the past, the only thing you could do was pick up the study manual from the MVA and go over each page until you felt like you had the information memorized. But now, with the entire internet at your fingertips, there's a better way to prepare. Driving-Tests.org gives you the chance to practice in the best way possible: with realistic practice tests, filled with accurate questions, based on the permit manual from Maryland's Motor Vehicle Administration! Includes: 10 car practice tests, 6 motorcycle practice tests, 1 CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) practice test, 2 online driver’s manuals (car and motorcycle), a FAQ section with detailed answers to 100+ DMV-related questions.
Gale Academic OneFile Select
Available everywhereThis resource for academic research integrates the full text of publications from across the disciplines and now includes vocational/technical titles used by community college students, filling a specific need for curriculum-oriented collections. Expanded Academic ASAP provides indexing for more than 5,000 periodicals, more than 2,800 in full text without any embargo. The combination of full text for scholarly journals and selected general interest titles for smaller academic libraries is ideal.
Gale In Context: High School
Available everywhereGale In Context: High School includes full-text newspapers and periodicals like The Economist, The New York Times, National Geographic, Newsweek, Popular Science, Smithsonian. Provides hundreds of thousands of images, videos, and audio selections that include archival film clips, broadcast video, BBC News, New York Times video, and NPR.
Gale In Context: Middle School
Available everywhereCreated specifically for middle-schoolers, Gale In Context: Middle School combines the best of Gale's reference content with age-appropriate videos, newspapers, magazines, primary sources, and much more. Students will find outstanding support to complete assignments in core subjects including literature, science, social studies, and history.
Help Now! Powered by Brainfuse
Available everywhereBrainfuse’s “HelpNow” is a comprehensive suite of tutoring services designed for a range of academic needs; whether it’s tackling a tough homework problem, learning an academic skill, or writing a term paper. “HelpNow” is available for students in grades K through Adult Learners in the following subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies, English/Language Arts that includes writing assistance and Reading Comprehension/Grammar/Vocabulary Skills Building, English Literature and Foreign Languages.
Peterson’s Test and Career Prep
Available everywhereSearch thousands of college and graduate schools, identify scholarships, take practice tests, create resumes, and explore careers.
Reference Solutions
Available everywhereReference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA) has vital information on every business & consumer in the United States & Canada. It assists business executives in finding valuable sales leads, conducting market research or competitive analysis, and provides an avenue for businesses to do effective marketing & outreach. Students are able to reference this data for research projects and job seekers may find gainful employment. Reference Solutions provides data on businesses, consumers, healthcare providers, new movers & homeowners, as well as historical business information.
Udemy (Gale Presents)
Available everywhereLearn and improve skills across business, tech, design, and more. Includes 10,000+ on-demand video courses in multiple languages.
Visit this video tutorial to find out how you can use Udemy.
Available everywhereFree, live, online academic and job assistance for veterans transitioning to civilian life. Resources include:
- Resume Review
- Job interview coaching
- Standardized test practice
- Live academic tutoring