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Research Resources with three orange arrows pointing to image of student sitting on a couch using a lap top computer.

Start your research with our collection of premium research databases and online resources to find valuable information on a variety of topics.

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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
  • Business Plan Handbook collection

    Available everywhere

    A collection of actual business plans compiled by, and aimed at, entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses in North America. Plans are from businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service industries, with company names and addresses changed. Also includes a business plan template, fictional business plans, a listing of organizations, agencies, and consultants; a glossary; and an updated bibliography.

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  • Morningstar Investment Research Center

    Available everywhere

    Morningstar® Investment Research Center offers real-time access to comprehensive data and independent analysis on thousands of investments, spanning mutual funds, stocks, exchange-traded funds, and closed-end funds. Investment Research Center serves all levels of investors with a range of dynamic tools and thoughtful perspectives to help them make more informed investment decisions.

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  • Reference Solutions

    Available everywhere

    Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA) has vital information on every business & consumer in the United States & Canada. It assists business executives in finding valuable sales leads, conducting market research or competitive analysis, and provides an avenue for businesses to do effective marketing & outreach. Students are able to reference this data for research projects and job seekers may find gainful employment. Reference Solutions provides data on businesses, consumers, healthcare providers, new movers & homeowners, as well as historical business information.

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  • ValueLine Research

    Available everywhere

    Investment information and analysis to meet the changing needs of investors.

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