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WCFL's Quick Reference Guide for Genealogy
Available everywhereThe purpose of this guide is to serve as an introduction to the genealogy resources available through the Washington County Free Library system, including the John Clinton Frye Western Maryland Room.
Resource File:NameWCF_Genealogy_Guide-January_2023_Edition.pdfWhilbr - Western Maryland's Historical Library
Available everywhereAllegany, Garrett, and Washington Counties in Western Maryland have a rich and diverse history. View images from the collections of the libraries, historical societies, and individuals in the three counties. There are photographs, newspaper articles, and indexes, rare books and more.
World Book Encyclopedia
No Access for Student CardsFeatures the content of The World Book Encyclopedia, plus 16 additional databases, which include an online atlas, Spanish-language encyclopedia, teacher resources, World Book Kids, images and sounds, current events, and an online version of the World Book Dictionary.