Memorial Donations are welcomed by the Washington County Free Library for the purchase of books or other library material. Donors may select a desired title or subject for the memorial. Acknowledgement plates are placed in each item purchases and notification sent to persons designated by the donor.
A Memorial Contribution to the Library is a contribution to the community, one that will benefit countless individuals in the years to come.
For more information contact the Administration Office at 301.739.3250
The Washington County Free Library is a non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible subject to limitations. Please support your local libraries.
Donations can be made online or mailed to: Washington County Free Library, 100 S. Potomac St., Hagerstown MD 21740
Friends of the Library
Friends of Washington County Free Library is a voluntary, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to focus public attention on library services and needs. The Friends sponsor events such as annual Foreign Language and Culture Classes for elementary school students, raise funds for special programs such as the Summer Reading Program, and advocate for the library at local and state levels.
Join the Friends and help to:
- Work for full and fair funding of our library
- Stimulate public support and greater use of our facilities
- Encourage gifts, endowments, and other bequests to the library
- Provide books, publications, equipment, and training not otherwise funded in the WCFL budget.
Friends of Washington County Free Library meet at the Fletcher Branch Library several times a year. Meetings are open to all. Membership dues are just $5.00 a year.
Check out our upcoming meetings and join in!
For more information about becoming a member, see the brochure linked below as well.
Like the Friends of the Library page on Facebook for updates about their work!
Volunteering at the Library
If you are interested in volunteering at the library, contact the Administration Office at Central, or the Branch Manager at your local library, to obtain a Volunteer Application.
The Washington County Free Library participates in the Board of Education 75 hour Student Service Learning. Applications for student service learning hours are available at the Administration Office of Central Library, or at your local branch. We encourage you to perform your Student Service Learning hours at the branch closest to your high school. See also Teen Volunteer information.