Meeting rooms are available for group use by both profit and nonprofit organizations.
The Hagerstown, Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Hancock, Smithsburg & Williamsport branches of the Washington County Free Library have rooms available for group use by both profit and nonprofit organizations.
Reserve a Meeting or Group Study Room
To make a reservation at any of our locations, please select a room or a date.
Meeting Room Payments
No fees are charged for quiet and small group conference rooms.
Certain library meeting rooms are available to groups for a fee. The library reserves the right to make fee determinations. No meeting room fee will be charged for the use of the meeting rooms by the following groups:
- Library sponsored programs and meeting held by library-related organizations
- Official meetings of departments of Washington County, Washington County municipalities, the State of Maryland and the U.S. Government and elected officials in any of these levels of government
- Tutors offering free one-on-one or family sessions
- Co-sponsored programs with education and community groups.
Fees will be charged according to the table below for the meeting rooms in the Alice Virginia and David W. Fletcher Library.
- Up to 4 hours - $20 (Non-Profit Groups);$100 (For Profit Groups)
- 4 to 8 hours - $30 (Non-Profit Groups); $200 (For Profit Groups)
Branch libraries (Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Hancock, Smithsburg, Williamsport) with meeting rooms will continue to allow non-profit groups use of their rooms free of charge. For profit groups will be allowed use of the branch meeting rooms for a fee of $50 for each block of time up to 4 hours.
Checks should be made to Washington County Free Library and reference the meeting date, time, and room location in the payment memo. Mail payment to:
Washington County Free Library
Attention: Administration
100 South Potomac Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
You can also conveniently pay online using PayPal. Please see the instructions below to make sure your payment is credited to your reservation.
Meeting Room Policies
Unless reserved for a scheduled activity, Meeting Rooms are open and available for use on a "first-come first-served" basis during normal operating hours.
The use of a meeting room by community groups or organizations is subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees or the Library Director. The Board of Trustees and the Library Director designates staff to maintain the schedule for the meeting rooms. Library programs are always given first priority.
Priority for the use of the rooms will be given in the following order:
- Washington County Free Library
- Friends of the Washington County Free Library
- Government Departments and officials (local, state, federal)
- Non-profit and community interest
- For-profit businesses and organizations
Review the full Meeting Room Policy.
Group Study Room Policy at Fletcher.