The Washington County Free Library provides a wheelchair accessible Telehealth Pod for health-related appointments at the Fletcher Branch in Hagerstown. Use of the Pod may not interfere with the normal operation of the Library. This Pod is intended to provide library patrons with a quiet, private space to conduct telehealth appointments with a medical provider.
**A library computer is not currently available for telehealth appointments.** Please bring your own laptop, tablet, phone, or other mobile device for use during your appointment.
Use of the Booth
Telehealth booth may be used for health-related appointments conducted by:
- Videoconferencing (no computer or mobile device provided).
- Still (high quality photo) images.
- Telephone conference (no phone provided).
The Telehealth Pod is available without charge during regular library hours. Set-up and clean-up times must be included in the reserved time. Please check in at the third floor Information Services Desk at least five minutes before your scheduled appointment. Appointments may be booked in hour blocks.
In permitting the use of the Telehealth Pod, the Washington County Free Library and its Board do not advocate or endorse the viewpoints expressed by any individuals using the facilities or take responsibility for any medical advice given during the use of the Pod.
- Reservations may be made up to sixty (60) days in advance.
- No same day requests are allowed.
- Requests are not considered booked until approved by library staff and you receive a confirmation.
- Patrons who book, but do not use the telehealth booths are requested to give notice as soon as possible, but no less than two hours in advance of the reservation start time. Individuals who repeatedly fail to do so may have their privileges revoked.
Making a Telehealth Booth Appointment
Follow the steps below to reserve the Telehealth Booth:
- Select the Reserve the Telehealth Booth button below to see the Telehealth Booth availability.
- On the calendar, select the date that you wish to make the reservation by selecting on the + sign next to the time you would like to reserve. Times in gray boxes are reserved and unavailable.
- This will bring up a page where you will Create Reservation. Please fill out the applicable information on the form. Items with a red asterisk are required.
- Select the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
- Once submitted, you will receive two emails. The first will be a notification of a pending reservation. Your reservation is not confirmed until you receive a second approval email. If you do not receive an approval email in a timely manner, please contact the Information Services Desk at 301-9968 or 301-241-8994, or stop by the Desk on the third floor of the Library.