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  • AtoZ Food America

    Available everywhere

    AtoZ Food America contains recipes in all course categories (appetizers, soups, salads, breads, main courses, side dishes, desserts, snacks, and beverages) for six US regions, all 50 states, and 33 ethnic cuisines.

    AtoZ Food America also covers food culture for the above regions, states, and ethnic cuisines with articles such as Classic Dishes, State Foods, Top Agricultural Products, Special Occasion Foods, Ethnic and Geographic Influences, Special Ingredients, and Food Trivia.

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  • AtoZ World Food

    Available everywhere

    AtoZ World food is the only food database that contains traditional recipes for international cuisine from 174 different countries! In addition to recipes and articles about unique ingredients, the database covers food culture in six different categories: National Cuisine, Regional Cuisine, Daily Meals, Dining Etiquette, Special Occasion Foods, and Food Trivia. Fully searchable by country, ingredient, or keyword, this database will answer all your international cuisine and culture questions. Happy cooking!

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